On film sets and for video installations, a common problem is to find a way of playing back different video files on various screens and systems in sync with each other. Costly and bulky hardware solutions with video mixing boards are the usual approach.
- Written in C#
- Engine: Unity
- Platform: PC/Mac
- Synchronous playback across Mac/PC systems over the network
- Support for multiple displays per system
Multi Display Network Player was developed for a German TV movie production in the need of an alternative: A software solution for synchronous playback of various video files across multiple networked Mac & PC systems with multiple displays each.
One Mac/PC acts as the host. Any number of client systems can connect over the network. Each system in the network can load a video file for each of it’s connected displays with an Explorer/Finder dialogue. Playback and stop can be invoked from any machine on the network.
* Permission to use original images/videos of the software being used on the film set is not yet granted by the film production company. Title image was taken from: http://www.leparadox.com/art/in-conversation-with-isaac-julien/